Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Mimicry

I happen to believe, that in nature, the ability to mimic something is a form of passive technique of survival. Organisms that are able to present themselves as something that they are not, use that ability to divert attention from itself. Same mechanism applies also at the dogcraver behaviour. The dogcraver will mimic any mainstream socially acceptable behaviour, in order to conceal himself. On that way he can “blend in” with the crowd and become undistinguishable and thus safe. That is why one of the main characteristics of the dogcravers is that they are more attuned to the mass gatherings, crowd based events and behaviours while the only condition is that those type of activities are uniform aka that they follow the same idea and same thought processes. They are drawn to the many, to the numbers. To the quantity or MASS. And since mass is a physical value, it is real, it can be directly sensed and experienced and thus realised. All this, actually points at the nature and natural behaviour patterns, that have no ability to generate the abstract within itself.

Most dogcravers are unable to generate abstract thoughts. Their mindset revolves around the already known, the familiar and the proven. Around the facts and statistics. This is again, the reflection of their inner mechanism, the cyclic dynamic of self defeating loop created by the fear and passivity that create stable and familiar orbit that creates safety.

One thing that has been noted, while studying them, was that they all tend to live really good and lush lives, in the material sense. The dogcravers dwell in reality that they create, and since that reality is well known and stable they exploit it and dominate it. They are often wealthy, well situated,rich and they lead very rich social life. They are very communicative, outgoing and happy.
When all is said and done, they are the masters of reality,masters of repetitive patterns,cycles and routines. Also they are great supporters of power,order and rule, organisation and management and they excel in those roles.

In fact they are the maintainers and guardians of reality.

However their lack of ability to generate abstract thought, makes their lives painfully boring and predictable. They don't see the unknown as a challenge but as a threat. They fear the unknown and are hostile towards any type of exploration and challenging the mainstream. This is again, the reflection of their inner mechanism, which is static,chained in fear and torn by it. So often they engage in the irrational “getaways”, sudden and unexpected adventures, irrational risks behaviours.
They are willing to put great amounts of energy just so that they can get the thrills that make them feel alive. And when they set themselves loose into the unknown, that is not seen as the exploration but as the act of conquest so what ever new they find they throw in chains and subject to their will.

They, in other words, destroy.

1 comment:

  1. "Most dogcravers are unable to generate abstract thoughts. Their mindset revolves around the already known, the familiar and the proven. Around the facts and statistics. This is again, the reflection of their inner mechanism, the cyclic dynamic of self defeating loop created by the fear and passivity that create stable and familiar orbit that creates safety."

